Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Potato

We never give importance to a potato. A potato is the most versatile vegetable one can imagine. You put it in anything (except probably pizza) and it only enhances the flavor. It is nutritious too considering it is 80% water but the frying is what gives it those calorific values. Why am I praising about potatoes? I'm not actually. I'm talking about one specific potato. You see, staying at home has made me realize that we need interaction. We need communication but maybe we are too conscious about what and how will we say what we want to say. Maybe we realize that everyone has their own problems and sharing your own is only going to be a barter system. Humans are expected to empathize/sympathize/get frustrated/mock/react in any which possible and sometimes that isn't the best thing. Sometimes all we want is someone to feel us. Not physically, you morons! Emotionally. In 2018, an experiment was carried out where two plants were given the same nutrition, sunlight, water and environment with one exception. Plants are transient beings, correct? So one plant was spoken to with utter care and affection, maybe something like,"Tu bada hoke ped banega" or "Tera phool kya mast color ka hai" and the other plant was subject to bullying,"Tu kya paudha hai be? Tere patte kaise gande hai". To nobody's surprise, the plant which was praised bloomed and the one which was abused wasn't so lucky. My point here>? A few decent words help humans to grow better. With that in mind, I happened to come across a potato. It wasn't like any other potato I met. This potato had the ability to feel your thoughts. It could make you laugh without cracking a joke and it could make you sad thinking about losing the potato. There was never an agenda to utilize the potato in any way. It pampered me with its thoughts, with its presence, with its never ending curiousity to know more and more about me. You could say I was smitten by the potato, weird huh? Anyways, before you guys start thinking I'm going gaga over a potato, I'll just mention, it is a person. Except it's not human-like in its behaviour. It is like a potato, adding flavor to life. Not asking for much in return. You could keep it in a basket and forget about it but it is going to be there. Humans have agendas, potatoes don't and maybe that's why we clicked. Neither of us wanted anything except maybe just talk or listen and then move on. Very rarely does someone across who understands things without you saying it or makes you realize that you weren't so bad after all. This potato did, but all good things come to an end. Eventually, the potato has to be used or it gets spoilt. Today is the last day of mine with this potato. I know somewhere it will read this and smile and know that I am happy.