Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Potato

We never give importance to a potato. A potato is the most versatile vegetable one can imagine. You put it in anything (except probably pizza) and it only enhances the flavor. It is nutritious too considering it is 80% water but the frying is what gives it those calorific values. Why am I praising about potatoes? I'm not actually. I'm talking about one specific potato. You see, staying at home has made me realize that we need interaction. We need communication but maybe we are too conscious about what and how will we say what we want to say. Maybe we realize that everyone has their own problems and sharing your own is only going to be a barter system. Humans are expected to empathize/sympathize/get frustrated/mock/react in any which possible and sometimes that isn't the best thing. Sometimes all we want is someone to feel us. Not physically, you morons! Emotionally. In 2018, an experiment was carried out where two plants were given the same nutrition, sunlight, water and environment with one exception. Plants are transient beings, correct? So one plant was spoken to with utter care and affection, maybe something like,"Tu bada hoke ped banega" or "Tera phool kya mast color ka hai" and the other plant was subject to bullying,"Tu kya paudha hai be? Tere patte kaise gande hai". To nobody's surprise, the plant which was praised bloomed and the one which was abused wasn't so lucky. My point here>? A few decent words help humans to grow better. With that in mind, I happened to come across a potato. It wasn't like any other potato I met. This potato had the ability to feel your thoughts. It could make you laugh without cracking a joke and it could make you sad thinking about losing the potato. There was never an agenda to utilize the potato in any way. It pampered me with its thoughts, with its presence, with its never ending curiousity to know more and more about me. You could say I was smitten by the potato, weird huh? Anyways, before you guys start thinking I'm going gaga over a potato, I'll just mention, it is a person. Except it's not human-like in its behaviour. It is like a potato, adding flavor to life. Not asking for much in return. You could keep it in a basket and forget about it but it is going to be there. Humans have agendas, potatoes don't and maybe that's why we clicked. Neither of us wanted anything except maybe just talk or listen and then move on. Very rarely does someone across who understands things without you saying it or makes you realize that you weren't so bad after all. This potato did, but all good things come to an end. Eventually, the potato has to be used or it gets spoilt. Today is the last day of mine with this potato. I know somewhere it will read this and smile and know that I am happy.

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Simplicity and Complexity called Religion

Well, well..been a long time coming, eh Chrisann? So I woke up one morning to the sounds of beating drums, blowing trumpets (or clarinets or whatever they are called since I'm a music illiterate) and some people making weird gestures with their hands and feet in motion, I think they called it dancing. It didn't stun me actually (not more than Rannvijay gets on Roadies anyway), but it did make me think about the reasons behind this activity. Who are these people dancing away at 7 in the morning of a lazy Sunday? Why would they not do what any other normal human does on a Sunday morning, buy some jalebi ghatia (in case you're not into sweets, then maybe a few samosas), feast on them while reading the newspaper and deciding which mall to attack today. Why would they be all decked up standing in horse drawn carriages, drawn in queue as if it were some ancient Egyptian demonstration of the Pharaoh's army? And why would anyone play some Bollywood item numbers in this whole situation? I asked my mother, who, like a good Indian housewife whose love for gossip is only second to her love for prime time serials, was nodding her head in sync with the musical tunes to explain this predicament to me. Anything she said sounded like mumble-jumble to me amidst the whole symphony. We waited and waited for the whole procession to pass after which I was enlightened to this whole activity. Apparently, it was a religious procession of people who don't eat anything that is grown beneath the ground (for my own security, I will not be mentioning any religions by name). Now I have nothing against their cuisine, but the fact these people would actually organize something like this did surprise me a bit. The reason being, they have this whole ideology that life is to be lived without materialism. They do not walk out at nights fearing they might trample some living creature, which is strictly against their beliefs. Good beliefs I'd say. Why would these otherwise peaceful people who have very strict religious policies do something like hiring a horse and be decked up as if going for a wedding? Here's where things get complicated. Our religious scriptures have a lot more hidden than what we are taught. Of course, there are more learned people than me when it comes to these matters but now that you are here, you might as well read. Every holy book ever written has the same core, the same essence - peace. While I do believe, that these books were actually written by humans, they do make very strong arguments. Why would anyone want to kill anyone? Why wouldn't people be so easily satisfied? Why are we here? What makes us so special? Just like any other book, we draw our own conclusions, that's the curse and the boon of being individually separate. The same thing probably happened when our ancestors read these books. They all formed opinions which were then passed down to us. Anyone found with a different view from the general public, well, we saw him taking 5 wickets in Lagaan. In my religion, which is full of Gods thus making us the ones with most number of festivals, we are inclined to celebrate everything at the cost of anything. For example, Diwali is at the cost of noise pollution, Holi is at the cost of a doctor's fee for freeing your eyes, ears and nose of color, Ganesh Chaturthi is at the cost of Chowpattys all around India, etc. And between all this, are traffic jams. When I was a kid, I remember asking my elders the reason for doing this, not because I found it wrong, but because I was curious about mythology. When I did become aware of the true story behind this, I was aghast at our interpretation. Instead of having the most beautifully decorated lanterns adorning the house, it all boiled down to who had the loudest burst and the brightest light. Instead of burning away the mistakes we committed (strictly no wives and kids please) and starting afresh, we compete for the most water resistant colors. This is what the majority chose and this what the majority today does. What started of as an expression of joy and a moment of celebration in an era where there was no tv, we now have competitions and price money. And why would anyone play movie songs with out of place lyrics (you know the ones I'm talking about). In this very para, I started with peace and now I am here at movie songs, this is pretty much how we have moved on in our celebrations. We have perhaps, forgotten the original ideas. Religion, I feel, is a way of lifestyle. Religious books pertaining to that religion is a perfect guide with stories explaining what happens when you follow or not follow that particular lifestyle. It's a good idea actually, you are given a whole set of material with the pros and cons, and illustrations along with good values. All we had to was learn from the guide. I don't mean that we should take everything literally, but the least we could do is inculcate certain good things from all the books, irrespective of which religion we follow. After all, as I said earlier, it has just been passed on to us like our genes. Religion is a belief which will never stop developing. I wish we there was a way we could add stuff to religion, update them like we update the Constitution and our Facebook statuses. It would be better for future generations too. But then again, we might even be part of organizing another competition with people on all sides thinking theirs is the most updated branch with the most number of young entries. It is a never ending discussion. Religion, politics and sexuality are the three things you could debate on from the time you learn to speak legibly to the time you are just mumbling without teeth. The only thing I learnt from all this is that I shouldn't be harming anyone. If I do, unintentionally, I must ask for forgiveness. I must not try to impose my thoughts on someone else. In short, I must not be intruding anyone's privacy and must be content. It is a very personal thing, this religion, and it is only right that there will be varied opinions. After writing this though, I think my grandchild will take 10 wickets in the remake of Lagaan.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some complicated story

Forgive me Chrisann for making this a not so funny blog, (not that the earlier one was). You know we all have stories. Each one of has a story of his/her own, we just don’t share it. I guess maybe it’s lack of medium or lack of communication or maybe lack of listeners. I’m not worried about any of the three (not too sure about the third though) and so I’m gonna say mine. Okay, don’t worry, not the entire one but just a part of it.
Well, easily enough it’s about a girl. A girl, who is awesome in every aspect. I met her in college. We became very good friends, close ones. No we didn’t spend hours talking on the phone or stuff, nor did we ignore others and choose to live in our own world. We were friends (still are) and left it at that. After that, however, we lost contact. There weren’t any fights, any arguments, any misunderstandings or anything. We just didn’t keep in touch. Years later, we met again. This time we came closer than before. Spoke every day, told each other of inconsequential things, shared stuff, went for movies. All this while however she was with this one guy, an ash of a person who she didn’t deserve. I mean she gave him almost a decade but he just didn’t deserve all that. In the meanwhile, we came very close. So close in fact that I started to think she was mine. All was hunky dory till I went to the rig.
When on the rig, there was this one friend of hers who had been with her for 7 years, more than twice the number of years I was with her. Initially, I was jealous of her meeting him too often, but then I knew I had her. Slowly, slowly, she became closer to him. We tried talking, but by then she was totally confused. On the one hand, she wanted me and on the other (she doesn’t know this, but I felt) they were soul mates. Cause she knew everything about him. Maybe, it was the time they were together for that this happened, but then I knew how stuck up she was, though she didn’t tell me. You know it’s only girls who can sense things, even guys can. Always quite and boring our conversations became and yet she would tell me everything was normal. I told her something’s awry, and she wouldn’t admit I pestered into telling me. She probably had realized that guy was all she loved. And so did I.
Then came a party. She spent the whole day with him. Went to the party and there she danced with him. After that she told me that he pecked her on the cheek. That was all I had to hear. I knew she loved him too but she wouldn’t admit! Why!? You stupid girl!? Anyways, I told her to wait till I was in Mumbai as I was returning in two days and then we would talk about it. So now two more days to go. The next day again we spoke but we just couldn’t talk normally. There was something missing. Something not right. And it was bothering us both. Anyways, we said we’ll give time. Then came the last day of my rig. It was just a matter of time before I met her. We spoke and I realized that we were just forcing it. There was something between us and no matter what we did it didn’t seem to budge. We realized it was that guy and that she actually loved him. I’d realized it before but didn’t wanna lose her so kept going. Thinking that maybe it will be okay when I’m in Mumbai. But then I thought what if I meet her and physically she’s with me but mentally with the guy. Well, she was in love. Couldn’t get angry now, could I? So then I told her that as much as I loved her, I couldn’t keep her to myself if she had been in love with him all this while. So I told her that she actually loved him and if she did, she should let me go.
What happened next, I cried. She cried. We knew we were happy together, but she didn’t realize that all this while the jealousy she felt when he met someone else was a lover’s jealousy. The time she spent with him, was the time she enjoyed. The fact that she knew him inside out and every small thing about him was actually a sign that they were soul mates. All this she had to realize and maybe that’s where I came in. Hence, I told her that she shouldn’t worry about me and get on with what she feels. Well, she met him the day I was travelling to Mumbai and he proposed. She said yes. I felt happy for her but sad for me. And trust me, that journey was the most painful one I had. I raced with time but lost. Throughout the bus and the flight, I couldn’t help but weep. We’d promised that no matter what, we’d stay with each other. But then I knew things wouldn’t be the same. It’s been three days now and I haven’t met her. But I hope do so soon.
The point of me telling you this is that I wanna know if I did the right thing. And if I did, then is my crying justified. I mean okay guys don’t cry, but then we aren’t emotionally cold. So all I need to know if there’s something wrong I did. And if that girl is reading this, then I really miss you. But her happiness is my priority.
Now, I don't wqant people to think if it is real or not. But the point is, if at all this is real, it is nobody's fault. Not mine, not the girl's, not the guy's. Sometimes things just happen. And it all happens for good.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My first blog I supposed to say hi in my first blog..I don't know..anyways, I didn't know what to blog about so I thought I should ask a few friends who could give me some suggestions. Well, I did get feedback, each one more idiotic than the other, courtesy Arunabha, till finally Chrisann came up with something nice. She said I must write about being single. Yeah Chris, very apt for someone who's been almost single his whole life (note the transferred "almost"). But I shall write something close to that. I'll write about an exercise which every single guy must do.

Being single..hmm..well, first of all, I can say that I am not too happy with it, but then it's got its own advantages. But before I begin with that, let me tell you why I am single? Is it because I'm waiting for the right one? No. Is it lack of pretty girls? Definitely not. Is it because I don't open up to girls or too shy? Ha! Shy! Me? You're kidding. Is it because I don't meet many girls along? No. College life introduced many "wonders" to my eyes. Is it because I am gay? Well no, but that could be my last resort if I don't get married before I turn 35. Am I not a good guy? Debatable. I am single because I am. Simple as that. No reasons.

I won't tell you the disadvantages of not being hooked up simply because I have been single so often. But what I can tell you will full assurance (after all experience counts) is how a singleton manages. First things first, it is very tough, mind you! Especially when a major chunk of your friend circle is dating. But then to enjoy normally with them takes courage and such people (starting with me) must be awarded for spending a lot of time with their friends and their better-halves. Now, it's not like we're sticking with them, it's just that we're invited and can't help if "love" happens amongst our own common friends. 

Then comes the fact that you are teased with every possible chick you talk nicely with. What really puts you in trouble is the fact that you blush. Then we get interested in about every other single girl, ask them out with a big grin only to return with that grin upside down. But we don't lose heart, we're single after all. We can ask any girl out. Who's gonna stop us. So the whole cycle continues. Asking and asking and asking with the same results. Sigh. By the way, if you've ever done this stupid exercise, trust me, it's really heart-breaking. But at the same time, it's an experience which lets you know your flaws and why you're still single. 

If, even after correcting your flaws, you're still single then look ahead to bright moments. Now, if you're like me who doesn't care a rat's arse about what others say then you shall be just the same and continue with asking girls out.  But one nice thing that comes out from here is the fact that you know what people think about you. Some girls are actually honest and tell you about how good you are and stuff and that you shall get better girls, etc. They also praise you so that you don't feel bad after being turned down. So my fellow singletons, just chill.  And do this exercise. It feels great. However, if you do find someone, stop with it immediately. This exercise is applicable only for singles.

Please Note: The blogger is not responsible if you, the reader, gets your rear whacked! After all, I never held you at gun-point and told you to do this.